5 Common Local Search Ranking Factors

Rhett Lloyd
Mar 28, 2022
6 mins

With each passing day, Google is making continuous changes to its search engine algorithm; therefore, introducing new and advanced factors for local search rankings. Search ranking or Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a quite vast field that consists of multiple different aspects, each representing a unique level of significance. If you’re a small business owner, then you must be aware of the undeniable importance of SEO for your small business. However, you cannot develop an effective SEO strategy without being aware of the most important factors that contribute to your site’s Search Engine Optimization. 

Good SEO allows your website to rank highest in the Google SERP, which eventually results in greater digital traffic being driven to your site and consequently, more revenue generated from either ads or business sales. The list of factors involved in SEO is quite vast and complicated; however, we’ve made it much simpler for you by narrowing it down to the five most important SEO ranking factors that will certainly ensure convincing results for your site or business in the near future. 

5 Most Common SEO Ranking Factors


By now, you must have an accurate of how important SEO is for websites, so with that said, let’s acknowledge the most essential SEO ranking factors that require consideration while developing a good SEO strategy. 

1. Content Optimization


When it comes to Search Engine Optimization of a certain website, then the web content that the site holds is arguably the most important factor that must be brought into consideration. Writers can optimize their web content by making use of certain keywords that are relevant to the type of content that your website produces. 

So, what are keywords and how can you benefit from them? To understand this, you must first be aware of the procedure that any new website on Google undergoes before getting ranked. Various search engines, including Google, make use of web crawlers that analyze websites and extract keywords that define the type of content that your website contains. These keywords are then used to determine the web searches that your website should most suitably rank on. 

If you wish to rank your site for a specific keyword, then you need to multiple times in the content of the web page that you want to rank. You may also include these keywords into titles, meta descriptions, anchor texts, and URLs to further improve the effectiveness of your SEO strategy. When searching for the right keyword for your site, be sure to choose one that web users are likely to search for on web engines. 

2. User Friendliness 


Although it may sound a bit odd at first, the Google search ranking algorithm is designed in such a way that it promotes user-friendly websites over ones that aren’t. User-friendliness is no major concern for properly developed websites browsed on computers or laptops; however, mobile users may experience some difficulty with the website’s interface. New and improved Google algorithm updates are being designed to improve mobile friendliness; therefore, if your website isn’t properly optimized for mobile users, then you are likely to struggle while trying to rank it on the Google SERP. 

Mobile users are just as common on search engines as computer or laptop users; therefore, making your site accessible to all individuals on their preferred devices is likely to benefit your site in several ways, especially higher rankings. The latest mobile-friendly algorithm update that Google has implemented not only inspects your site’s appearance on mobile devices but also pays attention to the site’s design and architecture. Therefore, if you wish to increase your website’s ranks on search engines, then one of the first things you must do is improve the user experience on mobile devices. 

3. Google My Business


If you’re a small business owner, then Google My Business is one of the most effective tools that you can use to promote your business online and drive more traffic to it, eventually leading to a greater number of sales. Google My Business is a free SEO tool that allows businesses to upload specific details regarding their business to help them better compete with their rivals. 

When searching for certain products or services, Google My Business is the first thing that viewers are likely to come across; therefore, highlighting its importance for search ranking. 

4. Efficiency of Website


The type of experience that your website provides to viewers is also responsible for determining the search ranking that your website achieves. The user experience is mainly determined by the efficiency of your website, which refers to how fast your site loads. Page speed is arguably one of the most essential factors in Search Engine Optimization. Sites with slow loading speeds aren’t only at a disadvantage in terms of search ranking, but also leave a highly negative impact on viewers or potential customers. 

Google places a penalty on websites with incredibly slow loading speeds, which worsens the site’s rankings. To avoid this, you must take certain measures to improve the efficiency of your website. You can do this by optimizing images, enabling file compression, clearing browser cache, and more. 

5. Link Building


Link building is a method of increasing online traffic to your website by utilizing other websites as sources. The best and most effective way of ranking higher in local search is by having multiple relevant websites linking to your site. A good SEO strategy also consists of proper link building as it is the most effective and effortless way of drawing traffic to your site and consequently, improving its rank. 

Next Step for Your Small Business


Good search ranking is essential for small businesses that aim to increase awareness and widen their market. The ideal way to do this is by developing a reliable and effective SEO strategy. Doing so isn’t as easy as it sounds; however, WebSuited is here to help! With our help, you can have a professional do your site’s SEO for you to not just lift the burden off of your head but also increase the chances of your site ranking higher in the Google SERP.

So what are you waiting for? Head over to WebSuited now and allow us to improve your site’s SEO with guaranteed results. 

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