Great Tips for Creating Unique Content that Has Value to Your Users (VIDEO)

Rhett Lloyd
Jan 13, 2015
2 mins

Rand Fishkin at Moz gives some great advice for creating not just unique content but the unique content that has value to your users rather than just search engines. (View video here if embed has issues)

Fishkin lays out his thoughts on what makes unique content.

  1. It must be one of a kind. No repeats or duplication of content.
  2. Relevant. The content must be relevant to search engines and the users. It’s most important the users get the information they want.
  3. Helpful. The page should do the job the user expects it to.
  4. Great user experience. Easy to use across any device is very important in today’s world.

So that is what can make content unique.

But what gives content unique value?

  1. Improving aggregation, usability and design.  Fishkin describes this: “Wow. You know, I’ve seen this material presented before, but never presented so well, never so understandable and accessible. I really like this resource because of how well aggregated, how accessible, how well designed this resource is.”
  2. Information found nowhere else. If the info is something your users need and has not been offered anywhere else you can be a valuable resource for searchers. Fishkin summarizes this as “You want your visitor to have experience of, “Wow, without this site I never would have found the answers I sought.””
  3. Hugely different voice or style. This is more about the style of delivery rather than the content. “You’re trying to create in your visitors this impression of like, “I’ve seen stuff about this before, but never in a way that emotionally resonated with me like this does.”

See the full transcript here.

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